Top 3 places to visit in Nairobi

The Zehneria Portico, Nairobi Nairobi DSWT-1966942

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) is an Elephant Nursery in Nairobi National Park. The park is a safe place to orphaned baby elephants rescued by the DSWT. This place is Nairobi's most popular attractions. The best part about this place is you can bottle-feed the baby elephants. You can also see the baby elephants enjoy their mud bath. You also get an opportunity to adopt one of the baby elephants. 

The Zehneria Portico, Nairobi Nairobi Giraffe Centre

Giraffe Centre

The Giraffe Center in Nairobi conducts conservation activities. The Giraffe Center cares for giraffes that are endangered. The Giraffe Centre is open, seven days a week, from 9 AM to 5 PM. The place is worth spending the money to watch the Giraffes so close. The Giraffes are very interactive and you will want to spend more time with them. Feeding and tours happen throughout the day.


Karura Forest

Karura Forest is right in the heart of the city. Surrounded by fragrant eucalyptus trees, wildlife grasslands and a beautiful waterfall. This place is a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Karura now has over 50 km of trails for visitors to walk. Wildlife in the forest includes Monkey species, bush baby, bushbuck, bush pig, porcupine, duiker, genet, dik-dik, African civet and East African epauletted fruit bat.Â